T company

Branding a cleaning technology supplier


The new brand should bring together the two companies MopMop and Tennant, which provide advanced cleaning solutions.


The aim of the branding is to create a confident and expressive image of a company, whose expertise can be entrusted to perform any tasks in the field of cleaning.



Temolie (Tennants + MopMop) — aesthetically pleasing name with a balancing middle accent. Reveals the concept of two companies’ amalgamation.


ZenTen (Zen + Tennant) — purity + zen = a pleasing metophor for harmony.
This union of two rhyming syllables shows this harmony and works on memorability.


Tennantite is a mineral that looks like polished concrete. This works a reference to a clean floor. An interesting visual structure with facets and complex geometry


TenaTech (Tennant Technologies) — a strong and confident name with consonant syllables. It focuses on technologies as the main advantage and emphasizes it’s role

T company

T company (Tennant company) — a logical point of minimalism, it refers to the original Tennant technique. At the same time, this new option provides room for the company’s own style.


The selected logo combines the shapes of the first letter of the name and the number 1.


This visualizes Tennant’s leadership position on the market of professional cleaning technologies.

brand palette

Supporting elements

visual identity

corporate merch

Corporate clothes doesn’t have to be just a «uniform» for the office workers.

It can also express the ideas and values of the company and generate interest as a design object.

Therefore, we offered options in two directions: calm office wear and conceptual things that go beyond their basic functions.

interior solutions

We have proposed a similar dualism concept for the workspace design. The style can be adapted to the function of the room.

A meeting room can have a more austere atmosphere, while a common room can offer a more inviting and invigorating space.

branded transport

Identity allows the variance of the visual expressiveness of the branded transport’s.

If the company’s transport performs the function of mobile advertising, then this advertisement should be noticeable and attractive.

Outdoor advertising

applying on the web

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Designed by Addvi, 2021
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Branding a freelance employee searching service